Cyrus Audio CDI-XR
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Cyrus Audio CDI-XR hos Lefflers Ljud & Bildupplevelser i Norrköping
CDI-XR är designad att vara en referens CD-spelare med inbyggd DAC. Man har inte sparat på krutet utan använder sig av sin egna "Servo Evolution". En helt egenutvecklad servo som bygger på att man läser så mycket av skivan första gången istället för att förlita sig på "re-reads" eller "error corrections". Man räknar med att man läser ca 20% mer information än traditionella läsare vid en första läsning. Detta ger en betydligt renare dataström som skickas till DAC:en. Den DAC man använder är precis samma QXR DAC man använder i förstärkarna. CDI-XR är förberedd för PSU-XR.
Cyrus CDi-XR features and benefits
Servo Evolution
The Cyrus philosophy for reading CD has always been the
same - read it once and read it accurately. The latest iteration
of Cyrus SE technology in the CDi-XR does exactly this,
streaming the data from the disc to the audio processing
circuitry with precision and accuracy.
DAC Technology
The CDi-XR DAC design includes the highest specified Sabre
DAC. This, partnered with a high-speed analogue stage
with excellent dynamic range delivers exceptional noise and
THD performance from the DAC stage. Seven digital filter
alignment options are user adjustable via the menu to suit the
taste of the listener.
Power supply design
Within a CD player is a complex mix of signals including fast
digital audio, sensitive analogue audio, high current servo
and system control. To minimise interaction between these
circuit stages the power supply design of the CDi-XR is
completely segmented. The digital control circuits run from
a dedicated, high-efficiency supply, with other parts of the
player powered from an over-specified linear power supply
with toroidal transformer. Nine individual stage regulators
smooth and distribute power within the player according to
PSU-XR port
The CDi-XR includes a port for the new PSU-XR power supply
upgrade. Thirty years ago Cyrus broke new ground with
the introduction of the PSX-R, the first ever regulated power
supply upgrade that automatically adapted to match perfectly
the power requirements of any connected product. The PSUXR raises the bar by sourcing no less than five independent
regulated supplies in a single box. For the CDi-XR four of the
PSU-XR power supplies are employed. One pair to provide
ultra-smooth power for the analogue audio circuitry, one for
the current-hungry demands of the motors and one just to
provide an ultra-stable supply for the PLL digital master clock
circuit, reducing any power supply related jitter to a minimum.
Configurable options menu
A new menu system makes the CDi-XR customisable yet
easy to set up. The tree-style navigation structure has display,
time-out, digital filter and system configuration options. Menu
settings are quick and simple to select.
Cyrus CDi-XR Specifications
Integrated CD player
32 bit 2nd Gen QXR DAC
Servo Evolution technology
Twin analogue outputs
Optical and coaxial outputs
PSU-XR upgrade port
User upgradable firmware
iR14 Remote control included
Dimensions (H x W x D) – 73 x 215 x 360 mm
Weight – 3.8kg