Escape Speakers P9
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Escape Speakers P9 hos Lefflers Ljud & Bildupplevelser i Norrköping
Trådlös portabel utomhushögtalare. Helt suveräna utomhushögtalare, Escape med ett enormt ljud som fyller de största altaner och uteplatser. Koppla enkelt upp dig via bluetooth. 8 timmars batteritid på hög volym. Tål regn och stänk. Fyra högtalare och en bashögtalare i ett. Riktig premiumkvalitet i metall, gummi och tyg. Finns i färgerna beige, svart eller vit.
Väska för transport och skydd finns som tillval!
Discover the new Escape P9 speaker!
The EscapeTM P9 delivers the most detailed sound reproduction using 4 individual 3-inch full range drivers utilizing polypropyle (PP) cones with aluminium dust caps, linear flat spider, vented voice coil and a powerful optimized magnet structure. The 8-inch subwoofer features a custom designed composite fiberglass reinforced basket, oversized magnet, polypropylene (PP) cone, linear flat spider, vented voice coil for both powerful and deep accurate bass performance.
The entire system is driven by an extremely efficient audiophile digital amplifier and its sound is both tailored & user adjustable with its on-board dual 24-bit DSP processors.
Audiophile Digital Power Amplifier
Frequency response 20Hz -20KHz.
Digital Interface - interaction via
A DEDICATED APP for iOS® and AndroidTM.
Optimal tone control and sound field processingalgorithms.
The advanced bass management offersmusic lovers the ultimate audio sensation.
Endless audio playback via USB Flash Drive Plug and play.
Full keypad control.
Punching out bass that is both deep and powerful.
BLUETOOTH® 4.2 – supports Advance AudioCoding (AAC), Qualcomm® aptXTM audio, SBCaudiocodecs and A2DP 1.3.1.
Powerful rechargeable Lithium Iron Phosphatebattery (LiFePo4) for 8 HOURS OF WIRELESSLISTENING PLEASURE at a normal sound volume.
Twin mode capacity for combining TWO ESCAPETM P9 in a stereo configuration via Bluetooth®.
Internal charging system (240 V / 50 Hz, 110 V / 60 Hz) for easy and convenientRECHARGING OF THE BATTERY via a power cord.
Net weight : 12,30 kg
Dimensions : 731mm (H) x 220mm (L) x 220mm (P)