Ortofon MC Cadenza Bronze
The Cadenza Bronze model is using a Replicant 100 stylus and a conical aluminium cantilever.
The coil wire is the famous Ortofon Aucurum wire, which is a gold plated 6NX copper wire.
Field Stabilizing Element FSE, is used for optimal linearity especially during complex crescendo passages.
Cadenza Bronze is a true high-end reference cartridge, conveying music with supreme precision, impact and dynamics. Its stereo imaging capabilities illuminate the farthest corners of the soundstage in all three dimensions.
Frekvensområde vid -3dB: 20-55.000 Hz
Utgångsspänning vid 1000 Hz, 5cm/sek.: 0,4 mV
Intern impedans, DC resistans: 5 Ohm
Rekommenderad belastningsimpedans: 50-200 Ohm
Komplians, dynamisk, lateral: 12 μm/mN
Spårningsvinkel: 23°
Nåltrycks område: 2,2-2,7 g (22-27 mN)
Nåltryck, rekommenderad: 2,5 g (25 mN)
Vikt: 10,7 gram