Ortofon Quintet Blue
6 490 kr
Mer produktinformation
The Quintet Blue is a very homogeneous cartridge whose sound image will tend to more smooth reproduction compared to Quintet Red and moderate dynamic strength compared to Quintet Bronze.
It features a Nude Elliptical diamond mounted on an aluminium cantilever.
The Quintet Blue will bring more space, depth and detail into the sound and is a very good choice for any kind of music, especially rhythmic.
Frekvensområde vid -3dB: 20-25.000 Hz
Utgångsspänning vid 1000 Hz, 5cm/sek.: 0,5 mV
Intern impedans, DC resistans: 7 Ohm
Rekommenderad belastningsimpedans: >20 Ohm
Komplians, dynamisk, lateral: 15 μm/mN
Spårningsvinkel: 20°
Nåltrycks område: 2,1-2,5 g (21-25 mN)
Nåltryck, rekommenderad: 2,3 g (23 mN)
Vikt: 9 gram