Pro-Ject VC-E2 INT
Ny uppdaterad Skivtvätt från Pro-Ject
Compact record cleaning machine
The New E2 Record Cleaning Machine
The new VC-E2 is our new compact record cleaning machine with completely new, superior features. Vinyl records need a specific maintenance. The dry brush cleaning before playing the record is good to roughly remove dust. To effectively clean the grooves, you need to wet clean the record.
To achieve the perfect cleaning, we also need a suitable cleaning fluid. Alcoholic cleaning fluids can destroy musical micro information of the grooves. That‘s the reason we designed our new eco-friendly non-alcoholic cleaning fluid called „Wash it 2“. Our new Wash it 2 is a pre-mixed liquid, so you don‘t have to dilute the concentrate yourself anymore. This avoids acidentally using unsuitable tap water for mixing. With Wash it 2 we can optimize the cleaning performance again. The VC-E2 is very powerful and cleans records completely in one to two revolutions.
Made in Europe!
The new magnetic clamp not only seals the record label from cleaning fluid to avoid damage on the label, it also speeds up the whole cleaning process. Place your record on the machine, put on the clamp, and you are ready to go – no more tedious screwing of the clamp anymore. The robust, easy to use metal arm is mechanically stable and focuses all suction power directly onto the record surface. Paired with new self-adhesive arm strip, your records get cleaned perfectly. The internal container (0,5 liters) collects used fluid and is effortlessly easy to empty. When using Wash it 2 cleaning solution, the fluid will also evaporate in the container, meaning the container will need to be emptied rarely. If you have a big record collection, you should have a look on our premium VC-S3. The new VC-E2 is made in Europe with high quality materials and an excellent build-quality. With many practical features and excellent mechanical operation, the VC-E2 effectively combines industrial design appeal with an easy solution to great sound from your vinyl records.
Magnet for quick cleaning
Improved housing design
Self-adhesive arm strip for better cleaning
Vacuum steam outlet
30 rpm nominal speed
0.5 Litre tank for cleaning fluid
Suction power is concentrated directly on the record
Incl. brush, vacuum arm, self-adhesive arm strip, plastic clip, Wash it 2 (100 ml) and power cable
Technical Specifications
Cleaning speed:
30 RPM
Included accessories:
Vacuum Arm
Self-Adhesive Arm Strip
Magnetic clamp
Wash it 2 (100ml)
Power cable
Power connection:
110/120 or 230/240 Volt; 50 or 60 Hz
Power consumption:
230V/800W, 120V/650W
310 x 266 x 210 mm (W x H x D)